Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Out of the Mouth of Babes....ONE DAY they shall RISE UP.... In Judgment. Will It Be of YOU (perhaps for your silence?)
This past Tuesday was unbelievable......I kept it together pretty much despite the utter shock of witnessing first-hand HB 59 pass out of committee. Kept it together while talking to my boy afterwards-who followed my tweets the whole time to YET AGAIN watch a GOP majority legislate against him (while in detention he watched the U.S. Senate vote the DREAM Act down-which would have facilitated his struggle to stay inside this country exponentially). And I kept it together long enough to get through a meeting immediately after the hearing. But it wasn't until I chatted with Gina, one of the guests from my show and a GA DREAMER, that I felt my inner damn breaking under the pressure of the rushing tide of all of our collective chagrin, shock, anger, and disbelief. I think I ended up encouraging her, but I really lent her my last ration of hope for the day. In that hour I exchanged my "beauty" (optimism, defiance) for her "ashes" (do I need to really explain?).
HB 59 is GA's "Anti-DREAM Act" bill which would seek to bar students like my Ali from pursuing higher education in ANY public GA university or college. (If you would like a blow-by-blow of the events in the hearing, please see my live tweet transcript at This past Saturday I had the privilege of interviewing three GA DREAMERS: Gina Perez, Eva Cardenas, and my own Ali. If you speak Spanish, you are a voter, are relatively uninformed and inactive politically......... allow me to baptize you in the blood of our struggle. Please have a listen and judge for yourself whether these brilliant minds, hearts, and spirits deserve ANYTHING less than OPPORTUNITY.
HB 59 is GA's "Anti-DREAM Act" bill which would seek to bar students like my Ali from pursuing higher education in ANY public GA university or college. (If you would like a blow-by-blow of the events in the hearing, please see my live tweet transcript at This past Saturday I had the privilege of interviewing three GA DREAMERS: Gina Perez, Eva Cardenas, and my own Ali. If you speak Spanish, you are a voter, are relatively uninformed and inactive politically......... allow me to baptize you in the blood of our struggle. Please have a listen and judge for yourself whether these brilliant minds, hearts, and spirits deserve ANYTHING less than OPPORTUNITY.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Can't Turn to The Left or to The Right (Not Even After A Good Shower)
What is it about a shower..........that lures us in and keeps us captivated under it's cascading spell...........when we have the BEST of intentions that we'll only be there for a quick five? As we can all attest, that quick five very QUICKLY turns into ten, then twenty, then thirty.............. easily. It happened to me just now........... and of course, I had to write about it. Alguien mas a quien yo conozco, a quien yo amo tambien se aprovecho de una ducha bien larga. Porque fue su primera ducha como persona libre....... pues, libre en cuerpo
A lo largo del dia de reencuentro con mi muchacho-ya suelto de su detencion (yes, and PLEASE don't ask me how it happened because the ONLY thing I will be able to tell you is "It was a STRAIGHT UP MIRACLE")-todas las mujeres de su vida logramos iniciarlo en su limpieza mas grande-el de su espiritu y mente que llevaban aparentemente anos enjaulados mucho mas antes que su cuerpo would folllow suit.
Yes, you read it right. Mi muchacho is out. OUT. At least his body is. His mind............. sheesh........... where do I begin? I thought I would stop being sad when this day came-because I always had faith that it would (ojo-la guerra no se ha ganado por completo-pero batalla por batalla avanzamos, SEGURO). But not two days after his release did the GA legislature get to work holding a "hearing" for one of a several anti-immigrant/immigration bills. Colleagues and I tweeted the hearing throughout the proceedings,they proved to be nothing more than sham proceedings......kangaroo proceeding. Take the comment made by one of these legislators which my colleague overheard: "this is what I overheard outside of the CLOB 506 when arriving at the first and only 'open' House 'hearing' on HB 72 (English Only Driver License Testing Proposed Bill): 'We are just waiting to make sure there are enough Republican's to pass this today'."
WTF??? Herein lies the newest cage for my boy........... Soooooo telling-when each of the women around the table asked our nene what plans he has for moving forward, la unica cosa that he kept repeating over and over again was, "I'm just gonna not even go out. I'm not gonna drive. I'm not gonna drive." Let's park there for a second.
Se trata de. Un nene. De SOLO 19 anos. Y ya sus planes mayores son quedarse escondiito en la sombra. Para que no lo detecten. Nunca mas. Esta resignado a NO volver. Tras rejas. Detenido por indocumentado............ Una condicion que descubri que habia experimentado una vez anterior..... En su vida tan corta. (en otra ocasion les digo)
Can you imagine living a life where you fear even going out of your front door? Upon pulling up to his family's residence I had him on the phone orienting me to the right door, and I noted a cop patrolling the vecindario. I remember exclaiming, "Diantreee, nene! Hay policia por to's la'os!" And he said, "Miss, why you think I been staying in here since I got out? I told (really pronounced like "toll", lol) you that the police-they everywhere." He was right. And I was confronted.
With another realization. My boy's freedom of movement for all practical purposes ended the day he graduated high school. And he most assuredly feels that his freedom to dream ended the day he watched the Senate of the United States of America so callously VOTE HIS FUTURE DOWN THE DRAIN. I liked meeting his aunt VERY MUCH.......una mujer sabia y con cojones e iniciativa (fue ella quien llamo a los Georgia DREAMERs al leer un articulo sobre un muchacho en la misma que el nuestro)-she insists that este muchacho think positively. Que empiece a visualizar de como es que quiere que sea su vida. Que no deje por mas que pueda que alguien ajeno determine su destino. All things I, also, have been beating him over the head with. I felt good that I wasn't the only one close to him insisting on his tapping into his own personal power.
But HOW do you tell a boy who KNOWS what the GOP in this state is up to and who told me during one of our visits at Stewart, "Obama aint gone do nothing. He just wants our votes" that it's ok to begin to dream again WHEN HE DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT IS EVEN SAFE ENOUGH FOR HIM TO MOVE ABOUT HIS OWN NEIGHBORHOOD??? GA's version of AZ's SB 1070 hasn't even made it out of public hearings yet, and he feels his freedom of movement restricted as if it has already been passed and signed into law. This is so sad. This is so sad!
Let me put it to you shockingly, and for some, blashpemingly. THIS is this child's foremost expectation..... to hear..... His foremost thought as to what will happen si piensa poner un pie fuera de su casa:
And when ye turn to the right hand or when ye turn to the left, thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the police, freeze.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
El Amor de Un Papa....Sofocador y Salvador a la Vez
AAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! He tratado por varias maneras de empezar esta escritura.......... La empece primero grabando. Luego la contemple de forma bilingue. Finalmente escogio mi corazon escribir en su lengua natal. Y asi es como se la presentare esta noche........... porque se trata del unico lenguaje que siempre ha hablado mi corazon.......... el del amor..........
Esta manana empece mi dia con esto:
Featured Story
- February 2, 2011antonio & maru gonzálezA conversation between a father and a daughter. 56-year-old Antonio González grew up in Puerto Rico and then moved to Georgia to raise his family — including daughter Maru González. These days, Maru is a student far from home, but on a recent visit back, she invited her dad to StoryCorps, because she wanted to make a confession to him.
No es un secreto cuanto amo a mi papa. Tengo su nombre, su caracter, su manera de ver al mundo.......... hasta llevo su inabilidad de quedarse quieto en un sitio por buen tiempo. Pero lo que si he llevado como secreto por todos estos anos es que como la hija presentada en el audio, yo tambien tenia mis batallas con control y casi llegue a jugar con el fuego de lo que en mi caso hubiera sido la anorexia. E igual a la perfilada en esta historia, fue mi papa-siendo en mi mente juvenil y sub-desarrollada la causa en parte por mi trastorno-resulto a ser mas que nada el que me desvio arrastrando con el poder de su amor paternal de un camino que seguramente me llevaria a un infiernito.
Mi papa es un hombre Gomez desde su cabeza hasta las unitas de los deditos pequenos de sus pies-cosa que he ido comprobando con los anos al hablar con mis primas sobre sus experiencias con los otros papas Gomez. La vena que ha recorrido por todas nuestras comparaciones de "notas" sobre nuestros papas es la del aspeto protector de TODOS. Algunos han sido protectores mas suaves, pero la verdad es que la mayoria han sido de lo mas estrictos-no obstante el mio. Salio a los suyos.
PERO, realmente no creo que conto con re-crear su propia personalidad en forma femenina al concebirme a mi. Pero eso es exactamente lo que le toco. AND BOY, DID HE CATCH IT! Suffice it to say, there was ALWAAAAAAAAAAYS a battle of wills going on in the Gomez home entre padre e hija mayor. Y yo estaba que NADIE me iba a quitar el poder personal. NADIE. Y como se dice que nuestras sombras esperan hasta la hora perfecta para sabotearnos cuando menos lo esperamos, eso es lo que me hizo mi rebeldia ciega y enrabiada................. me espero.................
Mi primer ano en la universidad tuve a un noviecito. El cual no le caia bien a mi papa. Ya pueden imaginarse la friccion, no? Estamos hablando de un papa boricua mas tradicional de que se da cuenta a pesar de criarse en el continente y su hija obstinante y terquisima. Pues, a este paso dirian, "pues, si se estuvo quedando en el dormitorio, cual habra sido el problema ya que seguramente no se habrian visto mucho?"-bueno, quizas personas que desconozcan nuestra cultura diran eso.................. pero yo se que estoy striking a real chord con muchas otras latinas que hicieron lo que yo hice en la universidad: casi sali de mi casa, jeje. Aunque ese ano vivi en el dormitorio, toditos los fines de semana me fui para casa.........toditos. Y mas que eso, mi papa era mi profesor ese ano.................... so there was no way I wasn't gonna see him.
Para hacer una larga historia un poco mas corta, the battle of wills ensued over whether I was gonna keep this boyfriend or not. And I was not about to lose. Pero una cosa que se revelo a traves de la duracion de esta batalla fue que subconcientemente yo habia empezado a acutar en maneras peligrosas para exigir y expresar mi voluntad................ para ejercer control sobre lo que yo queria............................... habia dejado de comer.
Como el papa perfilado en el audio, creo-aunque nunca me ha hablado de esto-que mi papa habia llegado a desesperarse. El sabia que este muchacho no era nada bueno para mi, y sabia que habia empezado a coquetear con la destruccion de mi cuerpo y salud. Que hizo? Bueno............. no se si lo hizo a proposito o paso como uno de esos momentos serendipitous..................... pero ocasiono que durante una de nuestras clases la lectura tuvo que ver con una muchacha con anorexia. Todas las muchachas de la clase estaban bien interesadas en el tema, que realmente la platica se enriquecio increiblemente que todas beneficiamos del exercise in delineation of facts and cause and effect. Pero llego un momento en que alguien saco el punto de que la anorexia tiene TODO que ver con CONTROL y no con comida que mi papa y yo intercambiamos una mirada............ bien brevemente................
But it was enough to turn the light on, get me eating again, and ultimately what (among all the other times he has come to my rescue) saved my life.
Esta noche, le dedico mis gracias, como ha hecho la muchacha del audio-a un papa exigiente que sigue queriendo lo mejor para su hija. Toda mi vida EL ha sido mi bendicion........................
Monday, January 24, 2011
Whether on the Frontside or Flipside, We Always Choose
Feeling pretty good on the way to belly dance class tonight I made the mistake of intonizando esta cancion del amor de mi vida (y el boricua negro MAS BELLO de to'l mundo-might I add). And while I usually hit the zone while singing this song to the TOP of my lungs, the resonance it had with my heart was at an octave that I usually don't take the time to listen to very much. It's the same chord that is struck when you look in the mirror towel drying your hair and you see your abuela in your cachetes. Yes, it's the same one that rings clear when you see la mirada dura de tu pae in your own ojitos as you frustratingly examine the chichas that always appear in the wrong places at the wrong time of the month and take their time marchandose no matter how many dance classes a day you take. It's the same note that you hear when your niece who was born with the famous family caracter gives you a look of defiance they said YOU used to give people........... and you let her give it to you because the last thing you will ever let yourself do is clip her pretty little wings................. This is the note, the octave, the chord of truth and realization that TRULY what we have is what we have asked for-or in my case, ORDERED of the universe.
In my case, my truth is that I've always put my freedom at a higher premium than any relationship. Up until recently my vision of freedom sat in stark oposicion a what I thought a loving relationship could only look like for me (basically someone trying to tell me what to do and constantly trying to clip my pretty wings). Never could conceive of a nuturing love affair w a man who could have the capacity to respect my need to be libreeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hasta hace poco. Y ya ese conflicto de intereses lo tengo resuelto. Acepto que donde estoy es donde le dije al universo que me hubicara. Y ya es tiempo de mirar hacia otro horizonte.
Enter the real epiphany of the night:
Now this one, I gotta say, me tumbo....................... But, again as I was belting out in my most angelic of voices this, one of my fav's from Alicia Keys, it HIT me! I THINK I WANT/AM BUILT FOR/NEED A KINDA DIFFICULT MAN. When the thought hit me I immediately went through my rolodex of relationship history and quickly realized that the dudes who were on the not-so-peligroso side were the ones I was BORED TO TEARS WITH and the ones I tolerated until they ended up asking me if I liked them anymore. Psshhh, but the ones who had a 'tude, a chip, an unresolved issue-which they were clearly aware of and struggling in their own ways to overcome-were the ones I was most attracted to. Not talking addictions, here, but just plain humanness. These men had a realness that entailed a vulnerability that I clearly find irresistible. I think I love a man who needs a little work. I gotta say that I had a conversation with a man today who was giving me advice in another arena and I started to chide him on the appearance of his tough exterior. Of course I made him try to convince me of how nice he really is (just to f_ck with him, porque soy mujer y PUEDO), pero la sangana fui yo que horas mas tarde soy YO la que esta pensando en EL. And the reason for that, this song provided.
I believe that whether on the frontside (before we were born) or on the flipside (during this, our earthly experience) we've told the universe numerous times what to deliver to our front doorsteps in a myriad of ways. Sometimes it takes some of us longer to understand just what we've ordered than others. But I think I understand my order and why I've been served up what I have been.............. And now I how to recognize what the goddess in me is saying she came here to handle.
It'll be interesting to see how right this spiritual self-assesment turns out to be, but I think what the Divine in me has always wanted and needed is a man w a little bit of an edge who needs una mujer de hierro to lock all his secrets up in her heart of gold.
In my case, my truth is that I've always put my freedom at a higher premium than any relationship. Up until recently my vision of freedom sat in stark oposicion a what I thought a loving relationship could only look like for me (basically someone trying to tell me what to do and constantly trying to clip my pretty wings). Never could conceive of a nuturing love affair w a man who could have the capacity to respect my need to be libreeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hasta hace poco. Y ya ese conflicto de intereses lo tengo resuelto. Acepto que donde estoy es donde le dije al universo que me hubicara. Y ya es tiempo de mirar hacia otro horizonte.
Enter the real epiphany of the night:
I believe that whether on the frontside (before we were born) or on the flipside (during this, our earthly experience) we've told the universe numerous times what to deliver to our front doorsteps in a myriad of ways. Sometimes it takes some of us longer to understand just what we've ordered than others. But I think I understand my order and why I've been served up what I have been.............. And now I how to recognize what the goddess in me is saying she came here to handle.
It'll be interesting to see how right this spiritual self-assesment turns out to be, but I think what the Divine in me has always wanted and needed is a man w a little bit of an edge who needs una mujer de hierro to lock all his secrets up in her heart of gold.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
For The Good Of Them...........
"nosotros nacimos de la noche, en ella vivimos, moriremos en ella. Pero la luz será mañana para los más, para todos aquellos que hoy lloran la noche, para quienes se niega el día. Para todos la luz para todos todo. Para nosotros la dignidad insurrecta, para nosotros el futuro negado, para nosotros nada" Lest we fail to understand & acknowledge Ali's dark night........ I'm here to remind....
Tonight I told a beloved amiga that all things would work out for her good because she is called according and submitted to her Divine purpose. Happy thought-Aren't we all promised that much? That things will work out for the good of those who are llamados segun Su proposito?
In the cruel wake of the AZ massacre, lied-about cross-hairs, and the colossal foul-up of the intended shaming behind the usage of the term "blood libel", I can't help but feel like no one outside of my very brown twittershere is talking about the particular calling Gabrielle Giffords was answering when God, Himself was put in a position to make good on His promise-to make ALL THINGS work together for this woman who was ALSO moving according to a purpose. Has anyone in your twittersphere raised cane about that calling? Chances are if you are one of my blog-followers, then, si...... Se ha alzado la voz grandemente -como diria mi prima. But if you are new here, chances are the info you've received has only danced around this purpose. Que pena. Y que falta de respeto, y horrible homenaje al legado vivo de la Congresista Giffords..........
Folks, it's plain and simple. But let me shock, rather than ease you down the path of understanding what we're really talking about here. See here this comment-submitted by an impassioned, and in my eyes VERY CORRECT Facebook friend of another impassioned and, in my eyes, also always VERY CORRECT Facebook friend of my own, during the POTUS' speech tonight in Tuscon:
"You can't talk against hatred and violence, when you are the U.S. president who has deported more Brown indigenous families than any other president in history, or when you promote laws intended to racial profiling." Carlos A Quiroz
If you need proof, allow me:,
The truth of the matter is that the Congresswoman was hurt and six others killed because of her dedication to the plight of her brethren of the darker hue. She fought for immigrants( And she almost died for them. And now that just tonight not only did she give another squeeze of her husband's hand, but so also did she open her eyes, I've got Sign ENOUGH that God is INTENT upon keeping His Word to make all THESE things SOMEHOW work out for the good of this lady......... who is called according to His purpose...............
But I am reading this BOOK, see-that talks about he inter-connectedness of all of mankind to SOME traceable degree. And not only does just the first chapter convince me of the UNDOUBTED influence over Loughner's behavior Ms. BL, with her sanctimonious self, had, but it also leaves me with a question on my heart that only the Lord can answer................
If Giffords' getting her stuff worked out, because she's called according to this purpose, and this PARTICULAR purpose for which she was targeted WOULD NOT EXIST if it weren't for undocumented residents like Ali, then doesn't that mean that by just being who he is and traversing the path that was laid out for him, through no choice of his own............... that's he and the millions like him are ALSO called to the flipside of he same purpose Giffords is? And doesn't that mean God HAS to help my muchacho??????? Doesn't it????? Things have to work.........
para su bien (yes, God, right? My boy counts, too!?)...................
.........porque el TAMBIEN tiene un proposito....... He DOES, God!! You'll find it on the dirty side of the coin they will mint one day with Giffords' face on it...........
"sometimes you may have to cry...". Yep, tonight would be that night........ tu sabes por que, Papa....
"and sometimes, you may have to walk alone" thanks to immigration law that's EXACTLY what it is for MILLIONS like my Ali.
*disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to the Jewish community by speaking of Blood Libel, nor do I mean any disrespect toward Congresswoman Giffords in my attempt to draw a correlation between her and the community she serves.
Tonight I told a beloved amiga that all things would work out for her good because she is called according and submitted to her Divine purpose. Happy thought-Aren't we all promised that much? That things will work out for the good of those who are llamados segun Su proposito?
In the cruel wake of the AZ massacre, lied-about cross-hairs, and the colossal foul-up of the intended shaming behind the usage of the term "blood libel", I can't help but feel like no one outside of my very brown twittershere is talking about the particular calling Gabrielle Giffords was answering when God, Himself was put in a position to make good on His promise-to make ALL THINGS work together for this woman who was ALSO moving according to a purpose. Has anyone in your twittersphere raised cane about that calling? Chances are if you are one of my blog-followers, then, si...... Se ha alzado la voz grandemente -como diria mi prima. But if you are new here, chances are the info you've received has only danced around this purpose. Que pena. Y que falta de respeto, y horrible homenaje al legado vivo de la Congresista Giffords..........
Folks, it's plain and simple. But let me shock, rather than ease you down the path of understanding what we're really talking about here. See here this comment-submitted by an impassioned, and in my eyes VERY CORRECT Facebook friend of another impassioned and, in my eyes, also always VERY CORRECT Facebook friend of my own, during the POTUS' speech tonight in Tuscon:
"You can't talk against hatred and violence, when you are the U.S. president who has deported more Brown indigenous families than any other president in history, or when you promote laws intended to racial profiling." Carlos A Quiroz
If you need proof, allow me:,
The truth of the matter is that the Congresswoman was hurt and six others killed because of her dedication to the plight of her brethren of the darker hue. She fought for immigrants( And she almost died for them. And now that just tonight not only did she give another squeeze of her husband's hand, but so also did she open her eyes, I've got Sign ENOUGH that God is INTENT upon keeping His Word to make all THESE things SOMEHOW work out for the good of this lady......... who is called according to His purpose...............
But I am reading this BOOK, see-that talks about he inter-connectedness of all of mankind to SOME traceable degree. And not only does just the first chapter convince me of the UNDOUBTED influence over Loughner's behavior Ms. BL, with her sanctimonious self, had, but it also leaves me with a question on my heart that only the Lord can answer................
If Giffords' getting her stuff worked out, because she's called according to this purpose, and this PARTICULAR purpose for which she was targeted WOULD NOT EXIST if it weren't for undocumented residents like Ali, then doesn't that mean that by just being who he is and traversing the path that was laid out for him, through no choice of his own............... that's he and the millions like him are ALSO called to the flipside of he same purpose Giffords is? And doesn't that mean God HAS to help my muchacho??????? Doesn't it????? Things have to work.........
para su bien (yes, God, right? My boy counts, too!?)...................
.........porque el TAMBIEN tiene un proposito....... He DOES, God!! You'll find it on the dirty side of the coin they will mint one day with Giffords' face on it...........
"sometimes you may have to cry...". Yep, tonight would be that night........ tu sabes por que, Papa....
"and sometimes, you may have to walk alone" thanks to immigration law that's EXACTLY what it is for MILLIONS like my Ali.
*disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to the Jewish community by speaking of Blood Libel, nor do I mean any disrespect toward Congresswoman Giffords in my attempt to draw a correlation between her and the community she serves.
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